UNAS in cooperation with Indian University


unas-UNAS in cooperation with Indian University

Dr. Septi Andryana, Vice Dean of Faculty of Communication Technology and Informatics, was a member of the APTIKOM delegation that intended to develop cooperation with universities in India

Dr. Septi Andryana, Vice Dean of Faculty of Communication Technology and Informatics, was a member of the APTIKOM delegation that intended to develop cooperation with universities in India, namely Acharya Institutes in Bengaluru, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology in Bangalore, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology in Chenai, SRM Institute of Science and Technology in Kattankhulatur, India.

To prepare exchange and research programs for students and faculty members, Mr. Ravi Makhija, Director of TIE UPS International, came to UNAS to discuss the preparation for implementing the exchange programs for students, taking part in 1-2 semesters study and internship, and faculty members, taking part in exchange guest lecturers.

Contact person

Faculty of Communication Technology and Informatics
Dr. Septi Andryana
Vice Dean
Phone : 62+21 7806700
Faks : 62+21 7802718
Email : info@unas.ac.id

Office of International Cooperation
Universitas Nasional
Nyoman Elly Swandayani
Phone: +62 21 788 48152
Email: oic@unas.ac.id

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