The Rector's Message
As a ‘University of Struggle,’ Universitas Nasional (UNAS) envisions internationalization as a means to accomplish its mission to improve human resources in Indonesia and to engage its students and faculty members in finding solutions to the challenges faced by the dynamic development in Indonesia and the world over by means of education, research, and civic engagement. Believing in mutual partnership, UNAS recognizes the diversity of learners and academics and the inherent worth of each and every student and faculty and aims to produce professionals who are committed to creating quality learning environments and experiences, producing worthwhile knowledge and sustaining education as a public good.

In engaging the students and faculty staff to internationalization, the Office of International Cooperation (OIC) hand in hand with other bureaus, faculties, schools, and academies sets the goal to develop international initiatives and collaborative programs to give its students and faculties opportunities to study in foreign universities. Relying on the transformative power of ideas, OIC on the one hand forges partnerships with overseas higher education institutions and research organizations in developing inbound and outbound programs in the area of student and faculty exchanges, curricula developments, research exchanges and collaborations, collaborative publications, short courses, international conferences, and scholarly visits. OIC also supports faculties and study programs to send students to do internship in Japan since 2020, developing cooperations with agencies for internship and industriesw in IT, hospitality, transportation, and agriculture, in the context of MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka/Emancipated Learning-Independent Campus). Internship programs in Australia and United States of America will follow suit.
OIC is also committed to place UNAS in international forums and consortia as a way of enriching the exchanges of ideas, developing deeper dialogs, and enhancing productive collaborative actions in the hope of creating broad transdisciplinary exposure to the full range of intellectual discovery. By providing services to the students, faculties, and staff of the university and the international visitors, OIC together with other bureaus, faculties, schools, and academies tries to live out the spirit of its founding fathers and the vision, mission, and quality statement to contribute to the demanding changes faced by UNAS to become a research university.