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The Signing of MoU held on Saturday, February 11 2017 |
February 27, 2017
JAKARTA (UNAS) In continuation to the cooperation that has been established so far with many universities abroad, Yayasan Memajukan Ilmu dan Kebudayaan Universitas Nasional (UNAS) signed this year a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dongwon Fondation and Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (CHUFS) to establish PT. Cyber Edu Inkor. ” We are aware that there are many Students of the nation that has not been able to access higher education. Cyber University is expected to provide an opportunity for many Indonesia people to study in university with the utilization of information and communication technologies wish have become more sophisticated, ” said El Amry Bermawi Putra the Rector of Universitas Nasional?, in his speech after the inauguration of the Tower building UNAS 1 and 2, and the signing of the MoU with South Korea, Saturday (11/2). CHUFS is the number one university in Korea in the utilization of information and communication technology in education. UNAS is proud and Honored for this cooperation considering before deciding to cooperate with UNAS, CHUFS, has been seeking cooperation with some public and private universities, but ultimately the choice fell on UNAS. In his address on Cyber Learning, Secretary General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEK DIKTI) Prof. Ainun Na’im said the online-based learning is already implemented by several universities in Indonesia. However, Cyber University is nothing new in this country. He added that cyber education does not necessarily replace face to face meetings with the lecturer. |