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NAIDOC Week at Australian Embassy Jakarta

UNAS is attending NAIDOC Week at Australian Embassy Jakarta

Attending the invitation of the Australian Ambassador, HE Ms Penny Williams PSM at the official residence, the Dean of Faculty of Language and Literature (FBS) Dr. Somadi Sosrohadi and  the International Cooperation Division, M.A. Inez Saptenno, M.Li, on July 9, 2022. NAIDOC Week: Celebrating Indigenous Australian Culture. On that occasion, Mr. David Williams, Australian Aboriginal musician.

National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week is held in July each year, as a way to promote a greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture and to celebrate the survival of Indigenous Australian culture and its contribution to modern Australia. NAIDOC Week also commemorates a historic official apology. from Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in February last year to Indigenous Australians. While this apology is extended to all Indigenous Australians, it is primarily addressed to those who were forcibly removed as children from their families using previous government regulations and policies (better known as the “Lost Generation”). The National Apology is a very powerful act of reconciliation and national healing. The Australian Government is committed to establishing a genuine and lasting link and partnership with Indigenous communities. This Apology has helped to build mutual trust and goodwill.

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